Anthon Berg
Anthon Berg is known worldwide for its liquor-filled chocolates. By pairing the finest chocolate with high-quality, brand-name liqueurs, Anthon Berg has become world renowned as a purveyor of dessert liqueurs. The company was founded by Anthon Berg in Copenhagen in 1884 with a focus on quality. To this day, all of Anthon Berg’s recipes are developed from scratch. Now, nearly 150 years later, the company is one of the oldest chocolate producers in Denmark. Anthon Berg proudly wears the stamp, “Purveyor To Royal Danish Court” – an honor it received in 1957.
When chocolate was first introduced in Denmark, it was used as a pharmaceutical product. Anthon Berg – then a grocer – recognized its potential as a treat and decided to market it differently. He opened his chocolate shop in the Old Stand in Copenhagen, and was met with wild success. Berg’s chocolates were so popular among the upper and middle class Danes, that long lines began to form outside of his shop. In order to keep his waiting customers happy, Berg started handing out marzipan to the patrons waiting on line for free. His marzipan became so popular that he began marketing it as a product in 1898. His philosophy dictates the mission of Anthon Berg today: “Anthon Berg – you can never be too generous.”
In 1901, Berg’s son Gustav took over the business, ensuring that Anthon Berg’s legacy would remain in the family. Today, the Berg family still owns the majority of the company. The combination of family values and a commitment to excellence has propelled Anthon Berg into the modern day as the producer of the best chocolate liqueurs available.
In addition to a focus on product quality, Anthon Berg has centered its mission on social impact. In partnership with NGOs and Danida (Denmark’s development corporation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Anthon Berg has worked to establish education projects in two cocoa producing districts in Ghana. One of the projects focuses improving educational outcomes through teacher education and by providing school materials. The other project establishes and supports Parent Teacher Associations, radio programs, and other efforts that provide focus and attention on child labor, children’s rights, and the importance of education. Thus, when purchasing from Anthon Berg, you are not only enjoying a delicious chocolate treat, but also helping those who contributed to the end product!