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For more than 120 years, Zeisner has been creating the most flavorful and highest quality sauces. Over 25 years, EAB has been importing Zeisner Curry Ketchup to the United States, including selling to the Defense Commissaries, offering our consumers a product that matches the commitment to quality that the Zeisner name represents. To this day, the company’s motto is “with passion for the best possible taste.”

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Waldemar Zeisner was an importer of sauces from England. In 1902, he and his wife Juliane began experimenting with spice blends and eventually created their own special Zeisner sauce. It all started in a house in Bremen, Germany, where it remained for many years.

In 1937, their son George Zeisner took over the company. Georg first started the production of ketchup. At the time, this was a bold choice because ketchup was not very popular in Germany. It was often used as a specialty spice instead of a condiment. World War II introduced American and British tastes to many German consumers, increasing the demand for ketchup greatly after the war ended.

It was the third generation Zeisner, Günther Zeisner, who, in the 1950s, grew Zeisner ketchups to the size it is today. In 1969, owed to a period of growth and the need for more space, the company moved outside of Bremen to the small town of Grasberg, Northern Germany. Today, the company is still in Zeisner hands, owned by fourth generation Thomas Zeisner, maintaining its goal to create the best and most flavorful products for customers worldwide.

The blend of spices used to create the Curry Ketchup, which includes more than a dozen herbs, is a family tradition. The spice room at Zeisner is the heart of the production of all their ketchups.

Curry Ketchup is a blend of the fruitiest tomatoes, apples, vinegar, and spices. It is 100% natural and uses only specially selected ingredients. The flavor is a uniquely German experience and a blend of spicy and sweet. It is extremely popular in Germany, and Zeisner is also one of the top-selling ketchups in neighboring Belgium.